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What Students Think about the Gym Schedule - By Pierre G.

The gym schedule is something that I often hear being complained about. Almost always, it is a student who would like to be in the gym but doesn’t have access to it at the moment who is making these complaints. And so, I wondered what the general opinion of the school was on this subject. I interviewed a plethora of students, and the results were quite surprising. Over 87% of the students I interviewed disliked the gym schedule, and the rest were impartial to it. No one particularly liked the schedule, despite my extensive search to find varied opinions. However, despite almost all disliking it, there are a variety of reasons why they dislike it, and opinions on how they believe it could be improved.

Multiple middle schoolers have stated “I think we should be together”. Most of them have expressed the opinion that they would like the gym schedule to be removed and middle school and high school students to be in the gym together. One student has said “The gym schedule is a terrible timetable for students whether in middle school or high school. It’s completely unfair”. However, this unifying opinion is not shared by everyone.

Many high school students have expressed their opinion stating that they “want it to be like last year” and “it worked great last year”. Last year, the gym was only accessible to high school students during the breaks, and these students would like to return to this. Several have expressed concerns about middle school students entering the gym during the assigned high school times. “Several times, I’ve seen middle schoolers have come into the gym and started playing basketball when they never should have been there. If they aren’t going to go along with the current schedule, they shouldn’t be allowed into the gym in the first place,” says one student. This student’s concern is shared by several of their peers who spend many break periods in the gym. As such, many have proposed barring students who do not follow this schedule from entering the gym during break periods.

All in all, it can be concluded that no one likes the gym schedule and that something should be done to change it. Most agree that the ideal solution would be to only allow high school students to use the gym during all breaks because they are generally significantly more responsible and mature. However, the choice of what you wish to happen to the gym schedule is up to you!

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