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State of the INTimes - April 2024 - By Ben G.

It has been a while since our last status update, and I’m proud to say that we at the INTimes have, despite a rocky past few months, made a number of notable accomplishments. As of this week, we have published 30 articles on, placing us on track to match last year’s 42 articles despite our smaller staff with just a few more strong publication cycles. Some of these articles since our last update have touched on topics ranging from the relative lack of philosophical distinction between logic and emotion to the Australian tennis open to models of disability and their impact on society. This diverse array of articles demonstrates our strong and enduring commitment to our mission: to provide for our members a forum to exercise their passions and express their concerns through creative journalism. The INTimes remains dedicated to ensuring that we continue to function as a collaborative space driven by our members’ interests.

One major accomplishment of note to this end was the signing of a completed charter for our organization. With this, we have codified our mission statement and our system for approving articles, clearing up confusion that has reduced our ability to collaborate with one another throughout the year. By establishing these clear guidelines for contributors and their content, we have opened the door to a more efficient publishing process than ever before.

Still, we have been faced with many challenges over the past few months. We have been faced with an unfortunate number of low-volume publication cycles, which has hurt our site traffic, representing a problematic and worrying setback. We hope that the coming months will see us returning to where we were in this respect prior to the Winter Break. We have also suffered somewhat due to periods of writer's block, where many of our staff writers have struggled to come up with new ideas. By re-emphasizing our commitment to the creation and maintenance of a collaborative space, we hope that April and May will see heightened creativity and plenty of new ideas for articles emerging from our contributors. We also hope to bring in more guest writers to supplement our publications with new, interesting perspectives.

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