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  • Writer's pictureintimes

Snowflake - By Sophie G.

Snowflake, snowflake, when you fall,

Like a dancer at a ball,

Gracefully, down to the floor,

Dazzled eyes will want some more.

Snowflake, tumbling from the clouds

Looking down at happy crowds

You will watch me as I play,

See me have a great snow day.

Snowflake, I will wish you luck

And hope that you don’t get stuck.

So that during your journey,

You will always think of me.

Snowflake, you drift with your friends,

Until your journeys meet ends.

Then, you will have to say bye

And get cozy where you lie

Snowflake, when the day is done,

And we have had all our fun.

We will go into our beds

And go rest our sleepy heads

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