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Skiing in Lake Tahoe: Will it match the previous season? - By Lukas W.

Many people are worried that this ski season may be a letdown compared to last year in Tahoe. In all fairness, it would be hard to bear; last season is considered by many to be one of the best in living memory. It all began in mid to late November when everything in Tahoe was fully white, and the amazing ski season had already started. All the way up to the holidays, snowstorms continued to blanket the slopes. Already, the volume of snow was sufficient to call the winter of 2022-23 a strong season, yet the snow kept on coming all the way through March By the time you got back up the lift, any trace that you had been there had vanished under the powder. Needless to say, California skiers were thrilled.

The main concern this season is that the snow only started to fall about a month later this year than last year. Due to this late arrival, people are worried that when people are usually skiing the most—in December, January, and February—the heavy snow storms will hit, creating chaos on the roads. Whether the conditions are fit for skiing or not, it wouldn’t be a fun trip. A major storm is coming into Tahoe in the days right after Christmas, for example, which is when many winter sports enthusiasts take trips to the mountains.

While it’s true that some of these conditions were present last year as well, the sheer volume of snow that season can’t be considered anything but an outlier. When strong snowstorms hit Tahoe in previous years, most ski resorts close down, leaving skiers disappointed and resorts in the red. So, will skiing in Tahoe be as good as the previous season? Taking into consideration what we have, it doesn’t seem like this season will match, let alone top, the last.

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