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Bullet Journals vs. Planners: What are the Differences? - By Laureline S.

Bullet journals are really fun, you can customize them and fill them with whatever you like, planners are great for organization too.

The differences:

Bullet Journals

Bullet Journals have a lot of customization opportunities. They are good if you like doing art, like to have your own habit trackers, and like to put your stickers in books. They do take time though as the set up takes a while.


Planners are good as they already have everything set up for you, they take less time to set up and come in a range of colors. They do offer less drawing space though and have limited space of writing to do lists.


Notebooks are great as they let you take notes and jot down homework and/or other things that you need to remember. They come in a variety of colors and offer an equal amount of customization aspects as the bullet journal, while still being set up already like the Planar.

Grid notebook

Grid notebooks let you make very precise drawings, act as a bullet journal, and offer great opportunities to make grid drawings. They are annoying to draw in though if you like non symmetrical drawings as the lines get in the way, but then again if you are used to it you know how to perfect your drawing to the format. They are great to use as planars as it makes it easy to make sections in your page for different things.

All of these notebooks are so different from each other while still being about the same thing. I hope this helped you with your decision of what type of notebook suits you the best.

Thank you for reading!

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