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Analysis: What could happen if Putin wins? - By Lukas W.

The Russo-Ukrainian Crisis has been going on long enough, with many dead, injured, and without a home. Many of the Ukrainian people have come together to create organizations rooting for the surrender of Ukraine, as they believe that the war needs to end for the country of Ukraine to be able to recover from the war. This may not be the best idea, as we first need to look at what could happen if Putin wins.

Remember: Putin does not speak for all Russian people around the world.

History is a funny thing, and it often repeats itself in many ways. The bad thing about most politicians and generally people in the world is that they don’t analyze the past and use it to stop what is happening in the now. This can be seen with the Russo-Ukrainian Crisis and WWII. Some of the Western Allies (England, and France) gave up what was known as Czechoslovakia to Hitler, but only if he would stop invading countries after that. Hitler signed off on the deal but continued his rampage throughout Europe. Now, I am not saying that the rest of the world is just giving up on Ukraine and handing it on a silver platter to Putin. What I am saying is that if Putin does take over Ukraine, both he and the Chinese government will know that it is possible to take over a country in the modern-day world. This could lead to China invading Taiwan, and also Putin invading other countries that had once belonged to what was known as the USSR. The USA has already stated they will send troops into Taiwan if China invades, however, with crazy Government officials such as Putin himself, anything can happen.

This may or may not lead to WWIII, however, I believe that if Putin wins and/or anything else crazy happens, it will not conflict the entire world, but only a few parts of it.

In the end, we all just have to hope that Putin does not win in this attack against the country of Ukraine.

Thank you so much for reading and enjoy the rest of your day!

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